Life Path 2

People who follow life path number 2 are emotionally and compassionate and appreciate love and compassion. They are sensitive to other people and are prone to losing their temper if victimized, abused or treated unfairly. People who have this Life Path are excellent partners, healers, counselors and even though they may be temperamental. They are also great communicators.

Life path 2s seek harmony in their relationships. They are sensitive empaths, but also cautious and reserved. They are enthusiastic about the idea and feel a part of a community. They also are committed to peacekeeping and equality in their communities. While they may appear reserved and aloof, these traits are admirable.

People with this Life Path number are kind and supportive, and have good intuition. They also want the love of their life and value teamwork. They are adept in finding harmony between different opinions. Life path number 2 is ultimately about coexistence. This can be an extremely enlightening characteristic.

People with this Life Path number are extremely gifted, but they could be hesitant to pursue their passions or vocation. They may also feel strong jealousy of others' achievements. They may end up sabotaging their own lives as a result. Yet, a birth chart reading can help people live happy lives.


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