Chiron in Virgo


Chiron in Virgo - The Wound Of Perfection

Wounds from Aiming At Perfection

Virgo is known as the shrewd, analytical, and flawlessly efficient sign of the Zodiac.

They are perfectionists, and that is why Chiron in Virgo will be all about the wounds which result from the pursuit of perfection.

It is a constant pressure to complete everything completely and totally precisely, and attain perfection in all life areas, which is not a realistic goal.

The reason is that people who have such Chiron position have issues with stress, anxiety, and tension.

So Bound On Being Perfect

If you're Chiron lies in Virgo it is likely that you are constantly feeling that you don't meet your expectations, and you can always make them better.

You are so bound on being perfect that it can result in an adverse impact on the people around you as well as your own life.

However well the job is being completed or how close your relationship is, you will always encounter small flaws which are destabilizing your vision of the perfect.

Obsessing over trivial and unimportant matters just because you aim to be flawless in every possible way, takes your energy away and can turn those around you away.

You are more likely to notice the imperfections in everything and everyone rather than the good things.

The Pain of not having Love in Your Life

Like you and your life need perfection, so do you search for the same thing in your relationships.

Your Chiron wounds always keep you on your toes with an underlying feeling that you may not have made the right decision or committed for the proper person.

You're seeking the "perfect perfect" as the primary reason your relationship seems to end in failure is that perfection simply doesn't exist.

Everyone is not perfect, and it is more about not finding that perfect one however finding the ideal one to suit your needs!

Looking To Fix Everyone and Everything

People with Chiron in Virgo do not just attempt to achieve perfection but so do the people in their life. From their families, close friends, coworkers and their family, they are always trying to "fix" every single person.

They will often try to get people to alter their appearance, behavior or personality traits in order that they are able to fit into their ideal of perfect.

Feeling Isolated And Afraid

If instead of accepting others you're trying to change them, it comes as no surprise if the entire community you're in just decides to not be around you.

This is the reason Chiron in Virgo is a wound that comes from feeling isolated, lonely and disengaged from the rest of the world.

Wounds Of Feeling Emptiness And Dissatisfaction With Yourself

People born with Chiron in Virgo tend to display obsessive-compulsive behavior as they constantly try to achieve perfection and all has to have to be in perfect order.

There is a deep pain in you that keeps on feeling like something is wrong in you, and you're not happy with yourself.

There is a great void in you, and you're seeking wholeness and happiness.

Because of this, you can obsess over trying to figure out the root of your problem to resolve the issue.

Ailment Resulting From Not Being Able to Find Yourself

Due to your Chiron wound, you are prone to make drastic changes to your self, which could confuse yourself and cause you to feel like you're not able to create an identity for yourself.

You change clothing style, hairstyle, appearance, and tastes, faster than the wind changes direction.

Tendency To Be Judgmental

In the wake of your own unsatisfaction, you have the tendency to judge others negatively.

You Chiron wound is the one that causes a lot of self-criticism, which reflects in your professional and personal relationships.

It is self-defense method to keep you away from losing a balance in your ideal world. This is the reason you experience social anxiety and tension in your conversations.

It is common to see the world as black or white, and there is no other shade in-between.

How To Heal Chiron In Virgo?

Chiron in Virgo can be a very sensitive place.

The process of healing requires much time and effort and may last for a lifetime in which it disappears and then reappears in various areas within your personal life.

However, once you've healed the pain, and turn it into strength, you'll be able tap into your Chiron healing powers.

Chiron Healing Gifts

Your vulnerability is transformed into power and you'll be able to live the life you've always envisioned for yourself.

You are able to be content and content even though all is perfect or even close to perfection.

Being able to conquer your fears and hurts is a tool you can use to guide you on your journey and also help others. This could be your Chiron healing gift to you.

The Power To Be able to See The World as It Is and Love It

When you heal, you realize that there's nothing wrong with you and you don't have to be perfect, it is enough just to be happy. You accept your flaws in addition to your "differences" because you are aware that those are what make you who you are.

You can see both things that are good or bad in people But you are prone to first seek out the good. Being able to accept others' imperfections makes you more aware because you know that no one is perfect, nor there will ever be.

The world is a wonderful place because of our imperfections, which makes us unique and distinctive. When you have mastered living according to rules that aren't insurmountable and not impossible, it becomes easy to feel at ease and content with your existence.

These are your healing talents, and you can use them to heal and teach other people how to live their lives in the present, and not the way they imagine it should be. Being unperfect and having flaws is a normal and normal thing for humans. All that matters is having peace, joy, and peace.


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