Cancer Sun with Taurus Moon
If you're born with the Cancer Sun Taurus Moon, your personality is gentle delightful, charming and gentle, however, underneath your modesty is the strength, stability, and inner force that is the Bull. Your facade of vulnerability and timidity is disguised for your inner shrewdness , shrewdness, and confidence.
As a person who has a Cancer Sun Taurus Moon, after a lot of reflection--and some bumps in the road, you have been taught to be on the guard so that others don't betray your strengths. You're pretty confident about yourself and are able to doubt others. Cancers are known to employ a variety of ways to defend themselves and escape and you've tested them all. However, ultimately, you've been able to count on your determination and wisdom to shield yourself from the elements of life.
If you're born with the Cancer Sun Taurus Moon, you are able to adapt to those around you , however you never lose your established sense of self. And even though you're respectful for others you do not consider their advice to be a serious matter. You are always living your life according to your sense of intuition to guide you. You are tenacious and obstinate, and you struggle to overcome first impressions or forgiving an injury from the past. This mental rigidity could turn out to be your downfall.
If you're born with a Cancer Sun Taurus Moon, since you are always convinced that you have the best idea but criticism can be a source of confusion. It's almost impossible to admit you're incorrect. You are a master at transferring the blame or the failure you committed onto someone else usually the one closest to you.
If you're a person who has the Cancer Sun Taurus Moon, you're at risk of losing the temper, and turning deranged in any first sign or threat to your mental or physical security, or when someone attempts convincing you you might be mistaken. It is important to become less skeptical of others' motives, and differentiate between helpful guidance and anger.
This Cancer Sun Taurus Moon combination is a great opportunity for creativity thinking and action. You are a creative thinker and all your actions are full of an originality and flair. However, this overactive imagination could create irrational fears, beliefs or even anxiety. Make sure to utilize it in a constructive manner and you'll be able to accomplish every creative endeavor. If you are too immersed in your imagination, you're in risk of getting depressed.
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